Tuesday 17 June 2008

Very Short Introductions

I recently discovered this series of books, and bought one (from the Tate Modern Bookshop) which I read at the weekend:

I shall be buying and reading more in the series.


SallyB said...

Hi Gareth,

Thank you for all your hard work maintaining such a wonderful and inspiring blog.
I really love all the beautiful pictures.
Funnily enough, I was a nursing student at Charring Cross in the 1990s and I tried to take some photos of that magnificent skyline. Yours are far superior; no image I took could ever quite match the majesty of those lights! They are really quite breathtaking.
I do hope all goes well with the rest of your therapy. Your honest words clearly convey your hope and confidence. It was truly a pleasure to read.
Radio 3, & Ekhart Tolle books – a man of obvious good taste! I shall think of you each morning when I wake to BBC Radio 3 breakfast with Rob Cowan
Kind Regards

Gareth Jones said...

Hey Sally - Glad you like the pics. Thanks for your kind words.