Monday 9 June 2008

Simon with Apple

After CT Scan straight in to meet Simon, who had an Macbook on his desk.  He got me to sign another consent form, of course, and filled me in about the procedure.  Radiation to the base of the tongue and tonsil, and to the lymph nodes on both sides of the neck  Dosage described as "temperate".  Simon also kindly deflated and re-inflated the balloon on my rig tube.  No problems!

1 comment:

John Wesley-Barker said...

If I had a consultant, I'd really like it if he had a Mac, comforting somehow. That mask is amazing, did you get to keep it?

Today at the Apple WWDC Steve announced the new iPhone 3G available 11th July for $199 (8GB)

Thinking of you lots and praying all goes well for you.
