Sunday, 6 July 2008

The taste of things

For quite a few days now (ever since the beginning of the Radiotherapy?) everything basically seems to taste of grease.  The food tastes do come through a little but as if everything is somehow covered in (cold) grease.  Weird. Hard to describe it any other way, but it is not a great experience  :)

Just so you know.

Anyway I am not losing weight so far which is good.


Anonymous said...

Dear Gareth,

Soon you'll re-discover how delicious food is (I do invite you to come to Spain for a taste trip ;) ) But the most important thing is that you'll eat and enjoy life in every second.

Remember, Go on!!!

Gareth Jones said...

I'm already enjoying life every second!



Anonymous said...

Don't worry everything will be Ok Gareth,we are with you! Dm fans from Poland

Anonymous said...

And we are waiting for you in studio with Depeche soon because DM+Gareth Jones=the best album!